My site now lives on a newly built NAS

My site is now hosted by a new DS-1520+ server I’ve brought online. In the process I’ve figured out how to move a wordpress site. The steps fell into place pretty smoothly until right near the end when I tried to restore my wordpress database backup and could not! Ultimately I figured out a workaround … Read more

Fixed wordpress file system permissions

I’ve had a problem in the past where I would get error messages from wordpress when attempting to install plugins because it did not have the file system permissions it needed. I ended up setting the wp-content directory access to 777 temporarily and then reverting to 755 when done (allow read/execute only). There should be … Read more

Improved image compression on my site

I’ve noticed a problem in the way I manage my media library – if I don’t go out of my way to compress images to a reasonable quality level for speedy delivery, nothing in the path of execution does it for me and the images download slowly because they’re too big. I could use photoshop … Read more

My site can send email now :-)

I installed the WP Mail SMTP plugin and got my API key setup. Then it worked on the first try. First I got email at my primary account but then also sent one to a gmail account I have on the side. Congrats, test email was sent successfully! Thank you for trying out WP Mail … Read more