Atlanta and Cobb County join forces to extend the Silver Comet to downtown Atlanta

For several years now, organizers have fought hard to realize the dream of a continuous bike trail all the way from downtown Atlanta to Anniston Alabama. For a couple decades most of this has been in place, but still ending well outside the I-285 perimeter. The amazing Silver Comet and Chief Ladiga trails have existed … Read more

Finally back on my bicycle!

You couldn’t tell it from following my posts here, but back in March I broke my leg bad. My tibia has five nails in it now. I’ve been slowly getting back on my feet and walking for about six months now. That’s why I haven’t been posting here much especially about riding bicycles. I’ve been … Read more

My favorite Postal Pond walk

I love the nature trails up the hill along Katie Kerr and the Decatur Greenway. This is an easy walk just up the hill and then we’re off-road. I’m hooked on a daily walk or more around Postal Pond with my dog Apollo. Here are a few pictures along the way…

The Silver Comet Extension is progressing despite COVID

route of silver comet extension

The Path Foundation has been steadily making progress on new trails. The map shown above outlines the planned extension to the Silver Comet trail, recently approved by The Georgia Board of Natural Resources… Board members unanimously approved agreements with Cobb County, the state Department of Transportation and the Forest Park-based nonprofit PATH Foundation to add … Read more

Postal Pond Looks like a Mirror

Look at the picture of Postal Pond (above). It’s hard to tell where the water edge starts. The bottom half of the picture is the pond. The reflection is so crisp and still the camera can hardly tell. What a nice morning dew on everything. The weather couldn’t be better lately. There’s a big field … Read more

Arabia Mountain Ride

I love making this ride to Arabia Mountain on my bicycle. It was a crisp fall morning. Almost cold! That puts energy in my legs. Soon I make my way down behind Martin Luther High School close to Panola Mountain. This is the start of about 15 miles of really pretty and varied geology that … Read more